There is very little understanding of the field of Pedorthics within the general population, and to a degree, even within the medical community. Stated simply, pedorthics is an allied health profession that specializes in treating patient's foot problems with shoes, orthotics and shoe modifications. In the state of Florida, Pedorthists are licensed and regulated by the Florida Department of Health, Board of Orthotists and Prosthetists.
As defined by a dictionary, pedorthics /pe·dor·thics/ ( pe-dor´thiks ) is the design, manufacture, fitting, and modification of shoes and related foot appliances as prescribed for the amelioration of painful or disabling conditions of the foot and leg.
A Pedorthist is not a physician and is not allowed to diagnose your foot problems. If you have severe foot pain you should seek the advice of a medical professional, such as your primary care physician, orthopedic doctor or a Podiatrist. Once you have been evaluated and properly diagnosed you can then seek the help of a Pedorthist.
See your doctor and then call us for an evaluation and fitting appointment!